Tis the Season

Ok! So we are halfway to the Christmas mark and I've yet to complete my shopping. I'm sort of feeling like Santa.....I made a list, now I'm checking it twice, tryna figure out who is naughty or nice! I decided to shop online as opposed to being bothered with the hustle and bustle of crowded department stores. My horoscope said that I should not worry about spending mega bucks and that this year I should put more emphasis on gifts from "the heart". So thats what Im going to do..Remind me to let you all know how that works out.....

Here are some holiday tips to help you spread a lil love on Christmas Day (even if you're a scroodge):

1. Volunteer at a local hospital, church or nursing home.

2. Make a gift as opposed to purchasing and add your own christmas message..

3. BUY YOURSELF SOMETHING NICE...(I know its about giving..but hey Momma need some new shoes too)

4. Have a Holiday girls night out (cant wait to hang out with my girls on the 19th) and just sit back and kick it.


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