Spring is in the Air...and so is LOVE..So LOVE YOURSELF FIRST!

Hello my lil darlings :-) Its been awhile since I last blogged...I do apologize and from this day forward I'm going to try and keep you guys updated with whats going on in my crazy hectic world...

First things first..Ladies, please please please KNOW YOUR WORTH! I'm tired of women always crying about how her man is not treating her right, or about how she CAN'T move on or she is afraid to move on. Hello sugarplum, do I need to drop a refrigerator on your head to make you realize that THERE ARE WAAAAY TOO MANY MEN OUT HERE TO BE CRYING OVER ONE! JayZ could not have said it correctly when he said "On to the NEXT!" SHOUTS to HOV and SWIZZY for that one! (heehee..wink wink)

Secondly, word on the street is that the infamous "LADY GAGA" is promoting ABSTINENCE to all her fans! Yes you read it correctly our Lady Gaga is saying NO to sex! First PEPA and now GAGA! I aint hating..not one bit.

Lastly, I really like that new Reality Show "Basketball Wives". Many people are hating on these women, and I'm just really trying to understand why? I mean, it's OK for their husbands/fiances to disrespect them, but then when the tables are turned they are being called "snitches"..well guess what I call it? I call it GET OVER IT! Seriously though, these sexy ladies are bringing the drama and you really DON'T want to miss it!


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